Kloe Young-Star Association


Welcome to the homepage of the Kloe Young-Star Association.  Here we will provide you with a summary of our association, our goals and where we operate.  Please follow the links or visit our other pages for more detailed information and to help our cause if you feel so inclined.

KY-SA: is a Community Based Organisation (CBO) established in the rural village of Abutia Kloe, about 15km South of Ho the Capital of the VoltaRegion in Ghana, that partners with international volunteers sourced from BRIDGE to help promote educational opportunities for its people.

Goals: KY-SA has established both short and long term goals, a full description of which can be found here.   In brief, the short term goals are to help the community provide an adequate level of teaching materials, ranging from texts and paper to computers and play equipment, with the help of volunteer support.  The long term goals are to establish self-sustaining revenue streams to fund the goals of KY-SA, with particular emphasis on identifying bright but needy students and funding their school education.  Honey production has been identified as an activity that the CBO can undertake to generate significant and regular income.

Current Achievements: The CBO has conducted surveys among teachers and parents to identify procurement priorities in achieving its short term goals.  With donations from Kathryn, the first volunteer with KY-SA, many of these items have been purchased including playground equipment identified as necessary help motivate students and promote attendance at the local primary school.

Honey Production:  Honey production has been identified as a significant value add activity the CBO can undertake to achieve its long term goals.  The lack of capital in the village and the prohibitive cost of microfinance, generally north of 50% p.a. interest charges, means volunteer sourced donations are crucial to providing the initial capital for KY-SA to achieve its long term goals.   Our budget suggests donations will generate more than this amount per year in regular income if put to purchasing beehives for honey production.

Donations:  Currently KY-SA wishes to raise $1500 Australian for capital assets in order generate recurring revenues to fund its activities.  Updates on funds raised will be posted on the Blog page.  Also please contact Mark Kruger, the volunteer who has set up this webpage if you have any second hand computers that you would wish to ship to Abutia - Kole, his email is kruger_mark@hotmail.com.  Ordinarily Paypal could be used for the transfer of donations at a low cost, however, Ghana is one of the few countries where Paypal does not operate and therefore to lower costs of individual international bank transfers it is hoped that donors will trust the volunteer who has set up this website and transfer money directly to his account.  The accumulated funds will then be transferred in large amounts to KY-SA's Ghana bank account to reduce transaction costs.  Most people the volunteer knows live in his country, Australia, so initially this will not be a significant problem, however details for Western Union money transfers will be posted shortly.

Please send money to

Bank: NAB

Acct name:  Mark Kruger

BSB: 082-445

Acct Number: 54-317-4461  

Description: Ghana Donation.

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